Me Made May 2021

It’s May! Part of me is surprised that it’s only just May because it felt like the longest winter of all time. We’ve had some really cold weather throughout April and I definitely got overexcited and sowed my courgette and cucumber too early.

But I also can’t believe it’s May already! I had plans to make a few more things before Me Made May, but hey ho.

So my pledge for this year is as follows: 'I, Jem Weston, pledge to wear at least one handmade item per day throughout May 2021'

It’s pretty much the same as the pledges I’ve made every other time I’ve done this challenge, but this year I will be approaching things slightly differently.

I’m doing lots of diy at the moment so I spend the majority of my time wearing either pyjamas, running gear or scruffy diy clothes. This means I’m generally only wearing ‘proper’ clothes for part of the day and therefore I’ll wear them for days on end before they need washing. Great for the environment… but not very interesting for sharing my Me Made May outfits!

So instead of sharing every day - I will just share the first wear if I’m repeating the exact same outfit. This will take the pressure off me feeling like I need to wear something different everyday.

The last couple of times I did Me Made May in 2018 and 2019, I felt like my wardrobe hadn’t changed much and that taking part every other year would work better for me. Even though it’s been two years - I’m very aware that I still wear the same outfits a lot! But this is a good thing and indicative of the fact that my handmade garments are well considered and I enjoy wearing them.

I do however have a number of new makes since May 2019 In fact I was surprised at how many things I’ve added to my wardrobe because it’s felt pretty slow moving!

I’m going to try and wear all of these at least once throughout the month.

Me Made May always makes me think more about what I’m wearing/what gaps I have in my wardrobe, so I’m looking forward to finding new ways to wear old makes and maybe finishing a couple of new makes throughout the month.

I’m planning to share my outfits over on Instagram stories and will set up a highlight - so hop over to take a look.

Are you joining in? I know it’s the 2nd already, but it’s not too late to get involved if you fancy it! And if not - it’s always really inspiring to follow along and see what everyone else is making/wearing.


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