Lull Cardigan

I finished my Lull Cardigan a while ago but only just got round to blocking and photographing it… in time for the heatwave!

Jem, a slim white woman standing against a grey painted brick wall wearing a handknitted green cardigan.

It was a lovely simple knit and ticks the ‘throw on over whatever’ box. I used Shachenmayer Merino Extrafine because it came in the perfect green and should hopefully stand up to a lot of wash and wear.

The pattern is Lull by Kim Hargreaves from Pale. I made it a bit shorter to work with my dresses and to make the yarn go further!

Jem, a slim white woman standing against a grey painted brick wall with her hand in her pocket, wearing a handknitted green cardigan. She's smiling but the rest of her head is cropped out of the image.

Noodle loves it…

Jem, a slim white woman standing against a grey painted brick wall wearing a handknitted green cardigan. She's smiling at the tabby cat she's holding who is trying to escape!

Make Nine 2022 - July update


Party Decor!