Knit in Notts - Sherwood

Beautiful handrawn Knit in Notts logo by Steph Gibbs.

I’m very excited to announce the launch of a new offshoot Knit in Notts group - in Sherwood!

Knit in Notts is a popular knit group which has been running for over 15 years in Nottingham city centre.

When I first moved to Nottingham I didn’t know anyone, and shortly after moving here started a job with Rowan which required me to travel a lot… and made socialising very difficult!

Making new friends as an adult is tough for introverts! And Knit in Notts helped me and many other people find new friends and settle into a new city.

Over the years I’ve found it increasingly difficult to make it into town for Knit in Notts. Initially because of my busy work schedule, then when I became self-employed I often found my flow in the late afternoon and didn’t want to break off from what I was doing. These days I find it really difficult because of little’uns tea and bedtime - but I really miss meeting other knitters/crocheters and sharing our love of making.

Despite not making it to Knit in Notts often (…at all), I still very much feel part of the group and I’m thrilled that Steph (aka the sheriff) is happy for me set up this Sherwood group as part of the Knit in Notts family. We’ll be meeting on different nights so you’re welcome to come along to both groups or whichever suits you.

The new Sherwood group will be meeting at the lovely Pudding Pantry who serve hot and cold drinks and the most delicious cakes! They also serve alcohol (but you have to order food with it).

Steph will make me an admin on the Facebook group, but I don’t go on Facebook much so please feel free to leave a comment below, email me or drop me a message on Instagram with any questions. Hopefully see some of you there!

Knit in Notts Sherwood

Meeting weekly from Friday 2nd September.

Fridays 7:30pm onwards (closing time 10pm).

At The Pudding Pantry, Sherwood.


Feeling Moody


Goodbye Little House