Goodbye Little House

We’re in the process of selling our home and buying a new one and after almost 14 years here I’m feeling more than a little emotional about it! It might be a while before everything is completed and we physically move, but I feel like I’m starting the process of emotionally disconnecting from this home and starting to get excited about the new big house.

Our little home isn’t actually that little - It’s a two bed terrace. But little’un is a whirlwind of energy and we want more space and a safe garden area - so we decided it’s time to make the move.

I can’t quite put into words how I feel about moving, but when I read this post on Instagram by sitting_pretty I cried… a lot! I felt like she’d put it into words for me! And her words are beautiful and moving.

So I’m preparing to shed this shell. I’ve starting to take cuttings from the garden and I’m taking as many as possible from the hydrangea that produced our wedding flowers.

Hopefully some will survive and I can take a little bit of this home with me. But I’m also reminding myself that my memories live in me - not in the house.

I’m focusing on all the positives of the big house and spending a ridiculous amount of time on Pinterest planning decor (including rainbow stairs - yes please!).

I hope you’re ready for some home renovation/decor content?!


Knit in Notts - Sherwood


Make Nine 2022 - July update