Finished Fynn

I finally finished knitting Little’uns Fynn cardigan by Martin Storey from Rowan Summer Baby and I love it!

A blue cabled baby cardigan on a seagrass rug.

It’s a bit snug because I took my time sewing up and blocking. So they’ll be wearing it everyday until they grow out of it!

A close up of a blue cabled cardigan.

Initially I wanted to use some toggle buttons from my stash which would’ve looked great with the cables. But they were too big for the holes - and flat buttons are probably more comfortable anyway.

Annoyingly the yarn usage was off. After starting I saw that some people online had needed two extra balls, but I only needed to buy one more and fortunately managed to get the same dye lot. I normally buy one more than the pattern says anyway… but then the one time I didn’t I needed extra!

A close up of peeling wooden buttons on a blue cabled cardigan

The surface of these buttons started to peel off after wet-blocking… but now they just look rustic. I definitely can’t be bothered to remove the buttons when I wash it!


Christmas Stocking


Current Knits