Christmas Stocking

Happy New Year everyone - I hope you had a lovely festive period! But if (like us) you spent most of it ill… then I hope you’re creeping into 2022 slowly and being gentle with yourself. Me and Beardie had bad colds on the run up to Christmas followed by tummy bugs over Christmas weekend that left us pretty wiped out.

On a positive note… Little’un didn’t get ill at all! And I finished their Christmas stocking in time for the big day (which was just me and them as Beardie was ill in bed).

I’m really happy with it and hope that they love the tradition of using it every year. My Mum made felt stockings for me and my brother when we were little and it always felt special putting them out for Santa!

My favourite section is a toss up between the polar bears, which are based on a coffee cup design from our local coffee shop, and the cats in party hats!

I also rather like the stars. These are based on the graphic that shows on little’uns Yoto player when Twinkle Twinkle Little Star plays. The snowflakes are from the Evja Mittens by Skeindeer Knits which I made a while back.

Wishing you health, happiness and lots of knitting time in the new year! x


Made One 2021!


Finished Fynn