Ripple Bralette

After languishing in the UFO box (aka - the chest of shame) for 18 months - I finally finished my Ripple Bralette by Jessie Mae Martinson!

I wasn’t feeling super keen to model it for a couple of reasons - the first one being that I felt uncertain about how much flesh I’m happy to flash on the internet! But it looks like this on a hanger…

Ripple bralette_hanger.jpg

So I decided that modelling it was essential!

I also fell over whilst running this week and scraped my shoulder pretty badly… I thought the squeamish amongst you might not appreciate seeing that! I’m fine though - luckily my knees and shoulder took the brunt off the fall and I got away with just a light graze where my face hit the pavement (eek).

So apologies if covering up my shoulder makes it look like I’m doing a strip tease in these photos…

Ripple bralette2.jpg

It’s so comfy! I wore a bra underneath for the photos, but I’m planning to wear it as a house-bra and as nightwear.

It was actually a really quick knit and ended up in the chest of shame with just a few centimetres left to do on the straps. I finished the bulk of it while on holiday in Gran Canaria in September 2019 and thought I would finish it when the weather got warmer in 2020… but I don’t need an excuse for being unproductive in 2020 do I?!

I used Rowan Sienna 4ply cotton so there’s less stretch than there would be with wool - but the rib pattern is really stretchy so it works fine. If I do another, I might do the next size up but on smaller needles to make it a bit firmer. It would definitely be handy to have a few.

I’m glad it’s done and can’t wait to wear it lots!


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