Paper Decorations

I always try and hold off on putting up our Christmas tree and decorations until the first weekend in December… it’s been difficult to resist putting everything up early this year!

I started seeing trees and lights popping up in windows in mid-November and decided to make some “pre-Christmas” decorations to give the house some love and tide me over until I’m ready to go full festive.


I’ve been saving pretty pages from magazines for a while (thinking that I might use them for wrapping paper) and they were perfect for these little decorations.

You can find lots of free shapes here. I printed the nets directly onto the paper and used double sided tape to join them. You could also add tassels and beads as this blogger did.

I personally like the boxes and pyramids best - and they were the easiest to make.


I’ve also been collecting these cool little safety pins which come on clothing labels. I’m planning to use them for tagging my knitted samples for shows - but in the meantime, they’re perfect for these.


These paper decorations were quick and easy to make and I really enjoyed doing something a bit different for a couple of hours! They also make cool shadows on the wall…


When I’m ready to go full festive - I’ll run some fairy lights around the string to add a bit of twinkle!


Little Stars


Darcy Cardigan