Make Nine 2021 - July update

My make-nine knitting has come to a standstill recently because I’ve been so busy working on the house and getting the nursery ready! This is my favourite bit of the nursery…


I love gathering treasured bits and bobs and displaying them. These shelves include some of my favourite prints from Amy Blackwell, Boodle Boutique and a lovely hedgehog lino-print from my friend Steph.

So all the DIY and decorating means my make-nine for the year is sitting at one finished item and one WIP! I’m definitely not expecting to complete nine garments for myself this year and I haven’t decided yet which ones to prioritise… but this is how it’s currently looking.


I also have a real craving to make something else that’s not on the list (this always happens)… more about that next week!


Every Day Cardigan


Crochet Basket