Happy (belated) new year! I always try to take January slowly and hibernate a bit while it’s still cold and dark. But I was also fairly off-grid at the end of 2023. Mostly because little’uns nursery was closed for refurbishment for a couple of months leaving us without childcare… but also because my phone broke so it was difficult to stay connected!

That means I’ve finished a number of projects that I haven’t even photographed let alone shared on here! But I did manage to get some pics off my broken phone of the tea towels I knitted last year.

The pattern is Checks + Stripes and is free from Purl Soho who have lots of other nice dishtowel/dishcloth patterns as well. I wanted to knit a gift for our little kitchen because it took me so long and was so frustrating to fit - I thought it needed some love! I used Rowan Summerlite 4ply and they’re washing and wearing well so far.

Although it was somewhat annoying - my phone broke at the perfect time. I’ve been thinking for a while about how distracting I find all the notifications and despite trying various wellbeing/digital detox apps, I find it so easy to get sucked into scrolling social media when there are much better things I could be doing! I’m more productive and my mind feels calmer and clearer when I’m not constantly connected.

So instead of replacing my smartphone, I decided to buy a “dumb phone”. It does calls and texts so I’m always contactable in emergencies… but with no internet connection there is very little on it to distract me (apart from a daily game of snake). Another bonus is the fact that I only have to charge it once a week (if that).

It was never my plan to go completely offline because I still want a camera, access to social media, messaging apps etc. I just want to be more intentional with my internet use and less easily distracted. So I’ve also bought a fairly cheap tablet for doing all of my online gubbins.

I’m loving the dumb phone/tablet combo so far and not having a smartphone is one of my “24 intentions for 2024”. Inspired by my friends Steph (who is doing 40 new things before turning 40) and Neena (who is doing 24 things 24 times in 2024 - for example: trying 24 new recipes and going for 24 hikes).

Instead of setting 24 challenges or adding to my to-do list - all of my 24 intentions are focused on well-being. The plan is to use the list to motivate me to get more organised and focused by setting up routines and practicing habits which will make life easier long term.

Some are long term habits I want to maintain or put in place - such as: improving my sleep hygiene and taking regular digital detoxes. Others are more specific things that I know will bring me joy, like: creating a laundry/airing cupboard so we’ve not got clothes drying all over the place!

Moving to a house that needs a LOT of work doing, in a village we didn’t know… with a toddler… led to very chaotic and stressful 2023. This year is all about getting organised, looking after myself, making the new house our sanctuary and settling in.


Twenty Twenty Five


Chickatita Chicken