Jem Weston

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Quiet Birthday

May has felt like a really busy month for me. By old standards it actually hasn’t been very busy at all… but compared to what I’ve got used to - the simple life of me and Beardie pootling around the house and going for local walks - it’s felt super busy!

Don’t get me wrong - I haven’t rushed out to the pub or even been inside anyone’s house, but Beardie is back in the office once a week and we’re gradually getting back to doing more than just the essential shopping and exercise.

It’s my birthday on bank holiday Monday… and it’s a big one (40!). I have no urge for a big celebration and, as much as I want to see friends who I haven’t been able to see for over a year, I really just want a quiet one at home with Beardie, the cats and the hedgehogs (if Haggis has hoglets on my birthday that would be an excellent gift!).

I want to settle in to this new and different post pandemic way of life and enter a new decade quietly and with lots of cake! I don’t have many plans making-wise for the weekend, but I’m really enjoying crocheting this basket…

It’s looking quite wobbly as I think I’ve pulled the polytube tighter on some rows than others - but it’s a squishy basket so maybe that adds to the charm? I’ve used 50 metres of tube so far and have just ordered another 20. After a few more rounds I’m planning to make holes for handles and maybe decrease in a bit towards the top.

I hope you have a lovely bank holiday - fingers crossed for a dry one! x