Jem Weston

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New Garden

I’m very grateful to my past self for keeping an image log of the gardens at our old home. I love looking back at how much things changed and it gives me hope that one day our garden here will have more than nettles and brambles in it!

So I’m keeping up the tradition and have taken some before(ish) pics of our new back garden! With the the help of my brother, I started clearing an area and I’ve made a small wildlife pond to replace the huge pond in the middle of the garden.

Despite collecting lots of rain water during recent storms - I’ve not quite got enough to fill the new pond. So I’m covering the exposed liner with random bits of card and damp-proof membrane until I can fill it and/or surround it with leafy plants to create shade.

I’ve surrounded the pond with logs and branches from a large conifer we had removed from the front garden and some large rocks someone was giving away on Olio.

One end is about 60cm deep with different levels and oxygenating plants. The shallow end with the gravel will hopefully create a ‘beach’ for small animals and insects to have a drink.

I also added some water from the old pond - hence the duck-weed… I’ve ordered a net so I can skim some off occasionally and keep it in check! Apparently frogs like hiding under it and it provides a source of protein for some wildlife.

The only animal I’ve seen checking it out so far is a sparrow! But I’ve seen voles and frogs in the garden so I’m hoping this corner will be party central for all the little creatures who want to visit.

I’ve popped a hedgehog house in which I’ll gradually cover with sticks/leaves etc and whilst clearing the garden I’ve found various things that I think frogs and toads will enjoy hiding in.

I’m looking forward to it getting overgrown and wild again… but hopefully with less nettles and brambles!