Jem Weston

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Make Nine 2022 - July update

Well covid finally caught up with us! I would love to say that isolating means I’ve got plenty of rest and spent lots of time knitting… but as all three of us have been ill, it’s been hard work keeping little’un entertained whilst tag-teaming “rest” time.

I have been pootling along with the back section of my Isla jumper dress and thought it would be a good time to check in with my make-nine list!

I definitely made the right decision in taking it easy on myself this year by including makes for others and things I’d already started.

I’m pretty pleased with how it’s going - with progress on my jumper dress and four things already ticked off: Green cardie, facemask, a toy for little’un and some dishcloths.

I’m not 100% convinced I’ll complete all nine. Mainly because I have a new big project on the horizon… we’re moving house! More about that in my next Journal if I’m not feeling too stressed/emotional about it!