Jem Weston

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New Home

At the end of January we moved out of our lovely little house to an air bnb. The following week we handed over the keys to the new owners and we collected the keys to our new family home.

I didn't expect to be saying a final goodbye to my beautiful Splodgy cat at the same time as saying goodbye to my home of 14+ years so I'm having a lot of big feelings!

The amount of work that needs doing on the new house is overwhelming and living in an air bnb is unsettling for all of us (especially little'un who is also starting a new nursery). But I feel very lucky that we're able to make this move and know it's a good decision long-term.

I'm very excited about creating a beautiful new home! Rewiring is well underway and with help from family and friends i’ve ripped out the old kitchen, started prepping the floor and stripping wallpaper.

We’re moving in at the beginning of March so hopefully the rewiring and heating will be sorted by then so I can start to make things pretty! And whenever I feel overwhelmed I just look at the veiw from our future bedroom window…